Effects of Various Fatty Acids on Blood Lipids

A bit of a side-bar rant. The brand name “Saturated Fat” might be a lost cause. The world largely considers it bad thing and making it seem good again might be a waste of resources. These are all individual acids that have distinct names and effects on our overall health. Let’s start touting the acids instead, a re-brand of sorts. If people can know, praise and pronounce “garcinia cambogia” surely they can remember lauric, stearic, butyric and palmitic, etc….

While doing some research I stumbled upon some interesting charts in the  “Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition, Four-Volume Set” on Google Books. The charts show the effect that Saturated Fat Has on Blood Lipids when replacing 10% of carbs in diet. The first chart also examines the effects of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. The second chart shows the different effects of various Saturated Fatty Acids (SFAs).

Chart 1 – Effect of the various fatty acids (sat/mono/poly) s on blood lipids.


Chart 2 – Effects of various Saturated Fatty Acids on Blood Lipids
SFA_Chart2So, what about the LDL going up in the SFA group, cause for concern? Shouldn’t be as more research suggests LDL is not quite the risk factor for CVD that it was once thought to be. It seems to have little impact on mortality and is nuanced as LDL itself has different particle sizes. Without oxidation of LDL, there would probably be no plaque buildup. Additionally, high HDL-C will act as a “shuttle” to transport LDL from blood; I think of it as a street-sweeper. The following Primal Docs post by Posts by Axel F. Sigurdsson, MD has an interesting article about “10 Pitfalls of Using LDL Cholesterol to Assess Risk“.

I’m So FED UP! Movie Review

Fed Up Facebook Banner

I finally had the opportunity this evening to watch Fed Up. It was just released in Hawaii today and my wife and I attended the second-to-last showing. My overall impression of the film is that it had a terrific message, was expertly crafted, and above all else, was very easy to follow. I feel a general audience will learn a lot of from the film and help them start asking some important questions as well as have some important discussions.

Continue reading “I’m So FED UP! Movie Review” »

1886 Medical Journal – Authorities Recommended Low-Carb Diets

While searching for sources related to obesity from the 19th century I stumbled on this. I found this fascinating and wanted to share. Thank you Google Books!

Page 561 of “The Medical News: A weekly Journal of Medical Science” dated November 20, 1886 hosts a paper titled “On Insufficient Diet, and the hygienic treatment of obesity” by Prof. DuJardin Beaumetz, M.D.

The five page write-up from 1886 discusses what is believed to cause obesity and how it can be dealt with. The authority to which Banting’s diet was based is mentioned, as are other authorities, all of whom recommend a diet low in carbohydrates. The following is a table which shows the authoritative diets being much lower in carbs compared to the “Normal Ration” of the obese. Continue reading “1886 Medical Journal – Authorities Recommended Low-Carb Diets” »

30-DFC – 10 Count Body Builders – Day 2

Alright everyone!

Hope you are doing good after Day 2 of the 10 Count Body Builder 30 Day Fitness Challenge (30-DFC). 15 repetitions has come and gone. You should already be feeling what this workout will turn into by the end. Stay positive and remember it will be over soon! 🙂 You can do anything for another few reps and for another few minutes. If you get winded, take your time. YOU’RE amazing and are capable of accomplishing much more than you think. The Marines taught me that about myself many moons ago and it is true about each and every one of you! 🙂

If you haven’t started the 30-DFC yet, here is where to begin. You can either start at the beginning and we will see you after you finish day 30 or you can pick up where we are at Day 2. No shame in that game! 🙂

I’ve gotten a question or two about those without weights. You don’t need them but feel free to use a heavier object (big can, basketball, printer, fat cat) and place it far in front of you during the push-up (Have it far enough in front of you that you don’t hit it with your head when you do the push-up). When you stand up, you stand with the object, conduct the shoulder press and place the object back on the ground when you conduct the next repetition. Easy! 🙂 If you have questions of comments, please let me know!

Even if you have no weights and are simply lifting your arms. Don’t worry, you are helping yourself and doing great things. Your body will thank you later! 🙂

I haven’t timed myself yet, but I am taking my time and ensuring I get a deep push-up. I used 20 lbs. dumb-bells again this morning and can tell I will probably have to lower as we progress. We shall see.

Keep up the awesome work everyone! Let the community know how you are doing, what kind of weights you are using, etc.

Tomorrow is Day 3, LET’S DO THIS! 🙂


10 Count Body-Builders

Here is the first Dietary Dogma 30 Day Fitness Challenge. It is (drum-roll please)… 10 Count Body-Builders. 🙂 This is a take on my old Marine Corps favorite “8 Count Body-Builders”. This workout, by the end of the 30 days, will have you losing fat, gaining muscle, and getting lean.

Below is the supporting graphic that contains the steps, the instructions and the schedule. Feel free to print it out, put it on your fridge or just come back here and take a peek. 🙂

I want to address each step of the exercise to provide proper instruction for good form. For the weight, you might start with a heavier weight (or plate) in the beginning, by the end you might decide that you need a lighter weight because of the workload you will be doing. I will be starting with 20-25 lbs. dumbbells and will take it from there.

If you feel like warming up, feel free to do so. I usually conduct 30-50 slow jumping jacks just to get the blood flowing and the joints and ligaments moving. I do not normally stretch before working out, but if you find that you need to, have fun! 🙂


  1. Come to a kneeling/squatting position, keeping your back straight and place your weights (or plate) on the ground.
  2. Kick your legs out into a plank position, your body should be in a straight line. Keep your feet together.
  3. Bring yourself down into a push-up (For extra credit, pause for a few seconds at the bottom). If you are using dumbbells you might be able to get in a very deep-pushup if you hold your weights. If you cannot do a push-up, it is OK. Bring yourself down to your knee’s to do it. No shame in that game! 🙂
  4. Complete push-up. Bring yourself back up into a plank position.
  5. Kick your legs apart into a jumping jack position while in the plank position. If you are feeling weak, feel free to walk your legs apart.
  6. Jump your feet back together. (Or walk if you are fatigued)
  7. Jump into a squatting/kneeling position, emphasis on straight back. If you are fatigued, choose to walk your legs back into this position.
  8. Stand up tall, bring the weights by your torso.
  9. Conduct shoulder press with weights. Ensure your back is straight and the weights are lifted above your head and come together. Make sure you don’t bash yourself in the face (Especially if you are using a plate instead of dumbbells)
  10. Bring weights back to side. Rinse and repeat.

The Schedule

  1. As illustrated in the accompanying graphic, the schedule starts at 10 repetitions on day 1. From there it increases by 5 repetitions each day, with a rest day every fifth day.
  2. You conduct the same number of repetitions after the rest day as you did right before the rest day
  3. On the 30th day, you will really test yourself by conducting 125 repetitions.

This is not timed, but feel free to time yourself and post your times; how much you pressed, how long it took, and how you did. We are all in this together! 🙂

You might be asking why I used the stick-figure to represent the exercise steps. First, I am not a model nor do I have the funds to hire one to show us how to do this. Second, I am not making any money on this site (at this point) so Stock Photos were out of the question.

I need to throw out the necessary disclaimer: I am not a doctor or a certified personal trainer. You are conducting these exercises at your own peril and this site (and me) will not be held accountable if you fuck yourself up. You should always consult a physician when you realize you want to improve yourself and your physique, blah, blah, blah. Now that’s out of the way. Let’s begin! 🙂

10 Count Body-Builders

Dietary Dogma 30-Day Fitness Challenge – 10 Count Body-Builders

Introducing 30 Day Fitness Challenges

I just got done doing Anja Garcia’s 30 Burpee Challenge. She is a motivating personal trainer who is also a fitness instructor at DailyBurn (amongst other things). The final event was 100 Burpees and I have to say that it was a great workout.

Since fitness is a goal of Dietary Dogma, I liked Anja’s idea of the Challenge and decided that it would be fun to create 30 Day Fitness Challenges that will occur each month.

The goal is to provide full-body workouts that get the heart-rate up. the sweat flowing, provide results and be rather short on time (I am not a fan of long workouts). Each person participating in the challenge will feel rewarded when they reach the end of the 30 days.

I will be doing the challenges and will be slogging through the schtick with you all. As we build up the community, I will open the 30 Day Fitness Challenges up for ideas and suggestions so the community has a part in it.

The first is coming later today, be ready starting tomorrow! 🙂

Let’s do this!


The American Cycle of Health and Diet – The Insanity Cycle

Below is a diagram I put together demonstrating the effect of the current Dietary Guidelines on the average American. Yes, it is simplified, but I use it as a demonstration of how our dietary guidelines influence our entire lives. They affect what we eat, how we gain weight, how we get sick, the “experts” we turn to for advice and ultimately how we pay our medical institutions for the same dietary advice being given by the government – perpetuating the “insanity cycle”.

All of these different industries have something thing in common; they drain us of our money and our taxpayer dollars. They have sustained or increased gross profit as we get sicker, more obese and poorer. We become unable to pay for the food, the expert advice and the medical bills associated with our prescribed way of living. It is so sad. It needs to change. Only we, the people footing the bills, can do this! If this had a cute kitty or a snazzy meme associated with it perhaps it would be more popular or get people to care. The somber fact remains is that you, your friends and loved ones are being screwed and will die younger and before your time if things do not change. You may already have issues or may have relatives that have suffered due to this advice. Only you, waking up, can help us make a difference.

Sign the petitions and help make your voice heard. Spread the word and help the petitions go viral, we can only be successful it others know and help us do this. People need to know about the petitions and understand why the Dietary Guidelines are Broken. Help us stop the InsanityCycle by those that don’t really give two shits about you, your friends and your loved ones.

Petitions (Hash Tag: #USDAPetitions):

Cycle of Diet and Health v2

Why Our Dietary Guidelines Are Broken

Our Dietary Guidelines are broken and below are a few reasons why. After you finish reading this and realize that you were also duped into believing a crock, you can help us change things by spreading the word (see the right hand column for graphics and links) and signing the White House petitions here and here.

1.) The Guidelines Are Not Working
The guidelines were introduced in 1980 and since then rates of obesity and other related illnesses like Type 2 Diabetes have skyrocketed. We are told that one of the major reasons we are getting so fat is because we exercise too little and eat too much. Aside from the fact that exercise alone will not lead to much weight loss (link), the statement itself cannot explain the worldwide pandemic affecting us and the biochemistry of human metabolism.

We have been told that a reduction in fat and cholesterol is required to prevent us from getting fat and or getting heart disease. This is also not supported by clinical studies.

Bottom Line: We are exercising more than ever and eating less fat, yet we are getting sicker and more obese. Is it us or is it the advice?

2.) USDA Conflict of Interest
The USDA currently promotes agriculture, subsidizes crops and jointly (with the HHS) issues our Dietary Guidelines every 5 years. This is problematic because the very same companies that utilize the subsidized crops to make heavily processed “unhealthy” foods are also successful at influencing the USDA to weaken the language or change the guidelines so they do not single out any particular “bad” food. An example of this is the lack of a “recommendation” for added sugar consumption. The food industry currently gets a free pass which is required with the promotion of low-fat foods. Without sugar, the current marketplace would taste like cardboard. The USDA has a vested interest in the food industry being profitable and successful using its subsidized agricultural crops. The food industry has found novel ways to produce cheap food additives from the subsidized crops. Examples include HCFS, hydrogenated oil, vegetable seed oils, MSG, Caramel color, etc.

Bottom Line: The USDA cannot have it both ways. It allows those with deep pockets to influence what we are supposed to eat to be healthy and recommends what it helps to subsidize. See this article for another example.

3.) Not Based On Science
The first Dietary Guidelines had their roots in a Senate Committee hearing led by George McGovern in 1977. McGovern, a politician, believed that saturated fat and cholesterol caused heart disease and the “findings” and subsequent recommendations of the committee just so happened to support those beliefs (Increase in carbohydrate intake, reduction in fat intake, cholesterol, sugar and salt).

The problem with the recommendations and the Dietary Guidelines that followed in 1980 is that they were based on politics, observational studies and personal beliefs, not hard science.

A paper titled “A call for higher standards of evidence for dietary guidelines” available on nih.gov goes on to say  “… National dietary guidelines have been promulgated based on scientific reasoning and indirect evidence.  In general, weak evidentiary support has been accepted as adequate justification for these guidelines. This low standard of evidence is based on several misconceptions, most importantly the belief that such guidelines could not cause harm…”

Bottom Line: Our Dietary Guidelines are not based on science that is honest and current. The science is cherry-picked and chosen to support ideas that were perpetuated in the late 1970’s.

4.) The Food Industry Has Too Much Influence
With the wave of some moola and a few well place campaign contributions, our dietary guidelines have become vague and ambiguous. The rules of ethics and conflict of interest appear to be a little lax where it comes to government and the food industry. Even organizations that American’s look to for honest advice based on science are influenced by the Food Industry. Americans do not expect organizations like the ADA or AHA to partner with companies that promote products whose food is unhealthy and has exacerbated our issues. Coco Puffs used to have a “Heart Healthy” logo on them. Really? Food companies help train Registered Dieticians (RDs) and organizations like the ADA partner with corporate sponsors to provide continuing education to them. These sponsors include Coca-Cola, ConAgra, General Mills, Kraft, Nestle, and Pepsi. They are all considered “accredited providers” of continuing professional education for dietitians.

Bottom Line: The organizations we look to for trustworthy and informed information are influenced heavily by the food companies. All continue to pass on the same message that is not based on science and has been causing us harm for 30 years.

5.) USDA Nutritional Evidence Library?
The Nutritional Evidence Library (NEL) was established by the USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion to support “systematic review of the current science on nutrition and health. The NEL specializes in conducting systematic reviews to inform Federal nutrition policies and programs”. The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) uses the NEL to review current evidence in support of its recommendations.

Bottom Line: The USDA also controls the “evidence” used by the committee to provide our dietary recommendations.

We Have Been Insane!

Albert Einstein stated that insanity was “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. For the past 30 years the prevalence of obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, Alzheimer’s and other symptoms associated with Metabolic Syndrome has skyrocketed while eating the “heart-healthy” foods we have been recommended; we have been insane. It is time for a change before more pain and suffering are brought to us, our friends, and family.

Help spread the word by signing the petitions and sharing this information!


Your Assignment!

Our current Dietary Guidelines need to be completely overhauled. Due to the influence of big business, our guidelines have become vague and ambiguous instead of providing the straight answers we need in order to make informed dietary decisions.

The USDA subsidizes and promotes our agricultural products and should not also be responsible for providing our dietary recommendations. They also should not host the Nutrition Evidence Library (NEL) used to provide the research to the panel that provides the USDA/HHS dietary guideline recommendations.

Our recommendations should come from an agency (or a non-governmental panel of scientific experts) rooted in the scientific community, human biochemistry, clinical research and evidence. Our recommendations should not come from deep-rooted industry ties and campaign contributions.

Your ASSIGNMENT is to Share this, Tweet this, Digg, this Pin this, Plus this or whatever other “this” there is to do socially!

Most importantly, please take 2 minutes to register on the White House website and sign both of the petitions below! We really need everyone’s help in order to reach 100K signatures on these petitions by next month (03-11-2014 and 03-20-2014).

You can, and will, help us make a difference! Thank you.



More Info: